
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Group Slideshow Project

In today's class, we worked in groups and were each assigned a website to use in order to create a slideshow. In my group, Livia, Rita, and I were assigned to use www.rockyou.com to create our slideshow. We brainstormed and discussed what our slideshow story would be about. We finally decided to make a slideshow using a legend we created about the red plumeria. We then set out with our digital camera to take pictures that we would use in our slideshow to tell our story. We decided who would be the main characters or actors in the story, who would be the director, and who would be the photograher. Me being the photographer, I took several shots of the main characters, and the plumeria trees. We decided how the pictures would be taken and which would be used. When we completed the picture taking part of our project, we then went back into class to put our slideshow together.

First, we picked the pictures that we wanted to use, and eliminated the unnecessary ones. We then created an account on rockyou.com to create our slideshow. We uploaded the pictures that we decided to use, and then added transitions and designs. We put the pictures in order, and then finally added captions to tell our story. We also added a song, which was already available for us to just pick and add directly from the site. Our slideshow was now complete, and a tag or url was available for use to add to sites such as facebook, myspace, hi5, and other online sites.

I really enjoyed using this online program to create our slideshow story. It was easy to use and had a variety of different graphics and designs to choose from. I liked how there were songs ready for us to choose from and add to our slideshow as well. Overall, I give this site a 9/10 becuase it was not difficult to use and had a variety of options to choose from that I think would really appeal to students.